Sugar Bear Blues: sugarb-.gif
This page updated: 2003 Aug 31

Oakville African Violet Society

Mailing List Information:

You may be interested in looking at one of these mailing lists. This is the place to ask your questions about how to make your African Violets flourish.

Disclaimer: They are not associated with Oakville African Violet Society.

Canadian African Violet Mailing List:

Go to and join the list. All the Email for this list is sent to you after you have been added to the list.
The moderator of each Yahoo! Groups group chooses whether to restrict membership in his or her group. Moderators who choose to restrict membership also choose whom to admit.

Canadian African Violet Judges Mailing List:

This list has little activity.
Go to and join the list. All the Email for this list is sent to you after you have been added to the list.

Gesneriad Mailing List:

All the Email for this list is sent to you after you send a request to an automatic list handling program. It has a limited vocabulary, and just needs to know which list you want to receive. It will determine your address from the headers on your Email and send you instructions on how to access the list.

AVConnection Mailing List:

This list changed to a yahoogoup in 2001.
Send an empty Email to

African Violet and Gesneriad International Email Group:

This list can be mailed to you or looked at on the web.
Oakville African Violet Society Email to John Harris

Oakville African Violet Society Homepage
Local Show Information
African Violet Society of Canada Information